Floral Kaleidoscope
When I was young I was facinated by kaliedoscopes. All of the different colors and the uniqueness of each pattern kept me entertained for what seemed like hours! Now, I'm so thrilled to be able to make these myself out of sterling silver and offer them to you as your own keepsake. It's truly been a labor of love to make these for you down to the tinyest of details.
Given a light patina to show off the details in the body and each end cap. The bottom end cap holds dozens of faceted crystals to reflect as you hold the piece to the light. The end cap has been hinged so that you can replace the faceted crystals with your own treasures. Maybe some sea glass you've found on your travels?
One Of A Kind (OOAK) limited edition Kaleidoscopes, about 3" long with a 30" chain.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.